Sunday, October 25, 2009

#73 Losing a friend

Having lived a good long time, I have lost many pets over the years, most commonplace, some more exotic. It has never been easy, whether they died at home, or when the decision had to be made to end thier life. After looking at the websites listed in the exercise, I found the information useful, and was pleased that some understanding of the grief at the loss of a pet has, over time, has been more accepted as the norm rather then something odd.

The worst time I had was when I had to make the decision alone as to putting two of my cats down within 6 months of each other. Squeaker, a very large Tabby with a very small voice, was found in a parking lot, had been with us for 10 years, and unfortunately had severe diabetes. He had some kind of episode, and needed to have his suffering ended. It was horrible, the feelings I had. But, I was with him to the end, and he was sorely missed.

My other cat, Ming, a Siamese, was 14, and my late husband's cat. A true character and aristocrat he was, sat with Dan and had coffee in the morning, loved deli turkey and peas, very skittish and extremely loving animal. Used to sit by the pond and lay his tail on the water, even though he hated getting wet. He was my companion, along with Squeaker, when the world turned upside down. Unfortunately, he developed cancer of the liver, and there was nothing to be done. When the time came, I took him to the vet, and stayed with him until he was gone. The doctor was kind, there was no other choice. The devastation was complete, and I miss that amazing animal to this day.

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