Thursday, November 1, 2007

Wk 8 #19 Created on Zoho/ Spooky story

One of my favorite Halloween stories is about the time, a few years ago, when I had a truly spooky experience. I was sitting outside with a friend, (this was in California and it was warm out) passing out candy, watching kids and just talking. I was telling her about the recent movie Sleep Hollow and the headless horseman, a literary character that i had been afraid of since I was very small. Probably thanks to Disney. Anyway, we were sitting there feeling a bit shivery, when I noticed something coming up the street that was rather large. At a distance, we realised it was a horse and rider, moving slowly. Odd thing to see in a subdivision! As the horse moved closer and became clearer, I realised that it was actually a Headless Horseman, carrying his pumpkin head under his arm!! I was so shocked and delighted I couldnt see straight. There he was, in person, one of the creatures I was most afraid of. I and my friend added it to the litany of crazy stories in our lives, and it has been a favorite ever since.

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