Monday, October 5, 2009

Picking a Pet #71

I have always considered myself a cat person, and have always had cats, with an occasional dog, rabbit, turtle or snake thrown into the mix for variation. I was rather suprised when the Pet Picker decided a bird would be a good pet for my life style. Oddly enough, I had been considering a getting a bird, probably a canary or budgie, just because I enjoy the chatter and color. However, it also seems cruel to keep a lunch munchie hanging in front of my beloved cat, Emma, and to keep a bird in a state of nervousness.

I looked at the adoption sites, and could not figure out a way to fit the 321,000+ cats into my house. My cat is a rescue cat, and once we got used to each other, she is one of the joys of my life. So many pets are thrown away, and I was so glad to see the rescue societies that are willing to step in and give unwanted animals a home. My cat is an only kitty, and the one time I tried to bring another cat into the house, it was not a good situation, and I have not tried again. However, I did find the address of a animal rescue locally that I will send a donation to.

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